For doctors, the single most time-consuming task is typing in patient notes. This is time not spent on treating patients.
Inscripta Medical is a modern and cost-efficient solution designed for dictating, optimizing and storing patient notes onto a company’s health record system.
The solution comprises of a dictation application, AI-powered speech recognition, and personnel and workflow management system.
Who is our service for
Why Inscripta?
Why pay hundreds of euros for old-fashioned dictation devices when everyone already has a mobile device that can be turned into a dictation device in an instant?
With our application, dictations can be created anywhere and anytime. From the ward, on a home call or even from the ambulance.
The solution works independently of the Electronic Health Record system. Even if the EHR is temporarily out of operation or otherwise not accessible, there’s still no need to revert to pen and paper.
Inscripta’s application makes a significant impact on operational efficiency and costs. Doctors can treat 2-3 more patients a day and transcription costs are reduced by 30-40%.

Inscripta’s AI-powered speech recognition prepares dictations to a team of transcriptionists, which validate and verify the AI-processed transcriptions. This enables threefold transcription process efficiency.
The technology is proprietary and language agnostic. The language model, which is especially geared up for medical lingo, improves itself automatically based on corrections and annotations.
Inscripta’s technology has already surpassed its competitors, making it the most accurate in the market, approaching human parity.

Managing medical transcription flows is big challenge. Volumes and priorities change on a regular basis. Optimizing the number of transcriptionists for day-to-day operations is difficult.
Considering the cost of a typical healthcare professional in public or private sectors, current medical transcription challenges generate significant costs. Costs that could be optimized with modern tools and practices.
The personnel and workflow manager is the ERP for transcriptions. The solution enables the prioritization and sharing of dictation queues.
The state-of-the art analytics and reporting facilitate resourcing as they provide information on demand spikes for example. The great benefit of the solution is that the transcriptionist team is always optimized to the tasks at hand.

Generally everyone’s feedback has been only positive! This saves our time substantially. Turnaround time for the dictations has been superb and the quality of the transcripts has been excellent as well.
Jukka Pitkänen, chief physician, Heltti

Heltti is in the forefront of providing occupational healthcare for information workers and aims to offer their members the best possible customer experience. An important part of that customer experience is for the doctor to be able to genuinely concentrate on the patient, rather than having to worry about writing the patient notes during the reception.
Inscripta provided Heltti with a dictation and transcription solution which allows the doctors to create patient records within just minutes, either by dictating the notes right after the reception, or later during the workday. The flexibility of the workflow makes daily routines easier and the work more enjoyable.

Public healthcare requires a degree of efficiency, that could not be achieved without scalable dictation and transcription services.
Inscripta delivered a robust dictation and transcription solution to the city of Valkeakoski’s social and healthcare. With our solution, the city saves annually over 30% compared to what they had used previously.
Additionally, we have shortened the transcription turnaround time to only tens of minutes instead of hundred hours which was the requirement.